Hi everyone! Valentine's Day is coming so with this occasion, I decided to make the first raffle.Each flood of hearts will get you a ticket to raffle. The more hearts u give, the more chances to win 20 free minutes of private with me and one month of fan club. For the raffle will be 3 winners each having the prizes i said above. On 14 February I invite you to my feature show from 12am to 1am (us time)to have fun together in the shower and after this to see together who the 3 winners are.The raffle will be available until 14 February.THE BIG PRiZE will go To the person wich will be Declared MY VALENTINE. Counting the privates, tips and hearts together. These being said My Valentine will get 60 free private minutes with me and 3 months of fanclub plus a surprise from me:)!So guys dont be very greedy and save some hearts for me!. Its the first time when I get in this kind of contest and I really hope we will have alot of fun together.I wait each one of you in my room!Come everyday in my room and at the end let me know wich Valentine did u liked the most:)). Every feed back is great bad or good. It helps to improve!Day 1: RED VALENTINEDay 2: BLACK VALENTINEDay 3: HIGH SCHOOL VALENTINEDay 4: NAUGHTY SECRETARY VALENTINEDay 5: ROMANTIC VALENTINEDay 6: REVEALING VALENTINEKiss!:) BP.S. I might look like an amazon but I really like to be spoiled sometimes!:)))
Just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year!All your dreams to come true and lot of fortune and health!Also wanted to thank you to all that supported me and let you know that I appreciate so much!Kisses!
Ahhh I want it all!I want it now! so... only one would not be enough:). Still I'll make an effort and choose ONE...The first superpower that I realized now that I always wanted is be to be invisible when I want and with who I want.Haha just imagine being around V Putin (declared the most powerful man on earth in Forbes for 4 years 2013-2016)and really know how he looks when he stays on the toilet and suddenly show up and scare him or show him "middle finger" and then disappear fast OR... YOU being with ME and your friends,drinking red wine and I am dressed in a long red dress,beautiful and classy in a restaurant (IN VISIBLE MODE) and suddenly I appologize to go outside to take some fresh air and by mistake after a 10 seconds u feel like "something" is under your table unzipping your pants, taking it out and blowing your mind.You cum exactly when a friend of yours said a joke and it seemed like u just reacted to that joke, actually u was in heaven with my invisibility:). I swallowed it so u are clean...It's like nothing happend...shhhhI returned after EXACTLY one minute(in VISIBLE MODE of course)and ask you :"What did I missed?All good baby?"
This is the first time I write something here...As you all know technology is not my best friend, it took me 6 moths to learn how to come online(ok..I am exagerating a little) but I have an excuse: I was born into the wild ;).I really hope this will be posted lol:))) because I wanted so much to thank all of you for the support, the appreciation and the care that U all showed me!Baylee Love really feels loved!I just found out that I am the model of this week which came to me so unexpected. I did not even know.(U guys told me). You could say ''geezzzz it's just a badge'' well yes it's true, its a badge but you get this badge when the others appreciate you and your work and without you guys THIS BADGE wouldn't exist or matter. So I wanted to thank you from all my heart for finding me and spending time with me and cheering me up in so called rainy days! Thanks Y'all and so much roar love!:* Muahhhh!
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